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Merchant Services

Merchant Services


 Meeting a customer face-to-face. Shaking a hand. Listening. . . really listening. . . to their needs. Aren’t those the hallmarks of a business relationship?


Decatur County Bank has partnered with Banc Card, the leading merchant services provider in the industry with over 20 years of experience.  Banc Card understands the technology world and the needs of our customers, enabling them to deliver the most cutting-edge, secure and reliable systems with outstanding customer service.

Contact any of our branches for more details.


Customized Plan to Fit Any Business


  • Banc Card partners with the top five processors in the industry, assuring you the best systems for your business
  • Mobile/ Point of Sale/ Virtual Terminals
  • E-Commerce
  • Contactless Payments
  • Customized Plan to Fit Any Business
  • State of Art Technology
  • Local Face-to-Face Service
  • Expedited Funding Available
  • 24/7 Customer Support


Does your business need any of the following?

– savings on credit card processing fees –

– customized plan to fit your business –

– local representative you know and trust –

– 24/7 excellent customer service –